Saturday, July 08, 2006

A Month Later . . .

Yes, an entire month has passed since my last post. My bad. Been kinda busy. I've moved from Louanne's house in Powder Springs up to an apartment in Rome. The apartment building was built in the 30's, has all hardwood floors, glass door knobs, etc., way cool! And the best part, it's A 4 MINUTE WALK to my job! I get to walk home at lunch and Brewster's lovin' it. Naturally, being the pack-rat that I am, I will spend the next 3-6 months trying to unpack and get settled in.

In other news, because of the move, I currently have no TV or internet access at the new pad, so until that gets taken care of, my postings will be few and far between. You can, however, keep up with that adorable Grandson of mine by visiting The Boles Family Blog. Danny has recently posted a video of Drew chasing him around the house, and a slide show of some recent photos. Check it out!

Two weeks from today, I will be in the hometown, attending my 30 Year High School Reunion. Yes, I am as old as dirt.

That's it for now . . .

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