Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Twins . . OR . . . ???

As some of you may already know, I am on "vacation" from the job all this week, and the 1st couple of days have been scattered with Doctor & Dentist appointments. I've had some trouble with a tooth for several weeks now, and the Dentist says I need a root canal. Now, the Dentist assured me that there is nothing to it, but I've heard far too many horror stories to believe him. Then, much to my disappointment, I learned that my insurance only pays based on some "schedule" that I have no visibility to. Although the information on the insurance website leads me to believe that the insurance pays 100%, this evidently is not the case. I learned that the root canal (that I don't want to have) will cost ME about $490 out-of-pocket. This is money I just don't have right now. When given my other option, an extraction, which will cost me about $49 out-of-pocket, well, let's just say I had no choice but to opt for the "hillbilly grin." Old age really bites, then your teeth falls out.

Oh, guess you're curious about the title to this post "Twins . . OR . . . ???" Well, it was time for the "one year after the surgery" echo today. The gal at the Cardiologist's office who performed the test did not speak very good English. Not sure if she was German or Russian or what. So, you know me, I like to joke and kid around, and in this case, was expecting to totally confuse this lady. So while lying there, as she moved the 'sensor' around my chest, I asked "Well . . is it a boy or a girl?" She, without any hesitation, said "It's both." So the title . . am I having twins, or some bizarre "combo" creature?

OK, so you can rest assured, I am not quitting my job to do stand up . . .

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